October 22, 2024

About LiveConnectEvent.com

LiveConnectEvent.com was formed to offer a unique reference point on how start up and run a business online.

The Internet has transformed business. From humble beginnings, E-commerce has now established itself as a formidable retail channel. As such few businesses can afford to ignore the Internet as a potential sales channel.

It is now a relatively simple process to build a website and put this live on the Internet. However, what many small businesses soon realise is that there is much more to developing their enterprises online presence than simply building a website.

The LiveConnectEvent.com website was born out of the realisation that many small business owner/managers needed straightforward and unbiased information about how E-commerce operates as a retail channel today. Plus how their businesses could take advantage of what can be a highly lucrative sales channel.

Each of the main components of an E-commerce enabled business website are covered throughout LiveConnectEvent.com. From preparing your business to enter the online retail channel to Internet security and the logistical processes your enterprise must address, the focus of LiveConnectEvent.com is always to offer practical help and advice so you can build a world-beating E-commerce website for your enterprise.

Every page of the LiveConnectEvent.com website has been carefully crafted to be a concise yet detailed explanation of each key component that makes up a successful online business today. Used as a step-by-step guide, or a resource you can dip into when you need help and advice, LiveConnectEvent.com contains up-to-date information about the latest E-commerce trends and technologies.

Written by an expert in his field, LiveConnectEvent.com is a distillation of the key knowledge that all small business owner/managers need to build, manage and develop a successful online enterprise.